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  1. No Moderns or rechips of any type. Only authentic Native American artifacts. Restored artifacts will be allowed as long as they are stated as such.
  2. Sellers must offer a minimum  of 30 day money back guarantee for all auctions. We ask that you give ample time for COA’s. Anything over 30 will be between buyer and seller.
  3. Sellers please list any known info you have on the piece you are selling, Also please use GOOD CLEAR pictures so the buyers know exactly what they are getting.
  4. NON PAYERS / NON SENDERS OF BOUGHT ARTIFACTS WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE. If you have a problem with something someone is selling please report it.
  5. If there is no contact between buyer and seller within 3 days of auction end the item can be relisted or passed down to the next high bid.
  6. Benefit auctions are welcome.
  7. No family members can bid on another family members auction. No bidding up auctions for your friends. Report any suspicious activity.
  8. NO BAKER PAPERED POINTS ARE TO BE SOLD ON THIS SITE. If you see someone selling a piece with a Jeff Baker COA please report it.